How To Get Free Shipping On Etsy: All Aspects of Etsy Free Shipping

how to get free shipping on etsy

There are some factors for Etsy sellers to consider when pricing their products. Chief among these are the costs incurred while producing their items, Etsy fees and shipping costs. While others are fixed, the shipping cost varies according to the size of the package, the region to be sent and the location of the seller. This makes shipping prices volatile and brings the issue of free shipping to Etsy sellers.

In this article, while looking for an answer to the question of how to get free shipping on Etsy, we will also discuss the issue of does free shipping increases sales on Etsy with the experiences of Etsy sellers. Discover the truth and myths. Here is the Etsy free shipping case.

Etsy Pricing Strategy: Free Shipping or Not

You have started the Etsy store by completing all the preparations, and it's time to make pricing for your products. It's an undeniable fact that building a successful pricing strategy is vital for Etsy, as it is for any other online shopping platform. So what expenses should you consider:

free shipping or not on Etsy

You should consider all of the above when pricing so that you don't lessen the profit margin on sales. However, there is an exceptional case of shipping charges. Because you can list your products in a way that the customer pays the shipping costs. 

So, how do buyers who have questions like how to get free shipping on Etsy to behave in this situation? Let's examine the expectations of shoppers from online shopping together.

Comprehending the Etsy Shoppers Behaviours for Free Shipping

Everything that is free or discounted lures attention not only for Etsy buyers but also for all online shoppers. The survey was conducted to find out whether buyers in the UK consider free shipping. Which of the following makes you more likely to buy from an online retailer? The question was asked and the following answers were received:

a survey about free shipping

When it comes to Etsy buyers, we see that the results are not much different.  Etsy buyers stated that paying extra shipping fees is a negative factor for shopping according to the study conducted by the Etsy research team. It is also discovered that as items become more expensive, the percentage of the item price that shoppers are willing to pay for shipping greatly decreases.

After these results, it is quite expected to ask the question of how to get free shipping on Etsy as a seller. Because studies and statistics highlight the significance of free shipping in acquiring a good conversion rate on Etsy. So is this actually the case? Does free shipping increase sales on Etsy? Let's deal with this situation with real experience.

Does Free Shipping Increase Sales On Etsy?

Etsy sellers who have experienced free shipping will undoubtedly give the most realistic answer.

Think like an Etsy Shopper

Alicia Zwicewicz, an Etsy seller who launched her shop Beardbangs in 2014, makes handmade planters, mugs, and other ceramics painted with cheerful motifs. 

Alicia decided to revise her approach to shipping by finding answers to the question of how to get free shipping on Etsy. Informed by her own experience as an online buyer, she initiated to offer free shipping in North America. Because the prevalence of her customers lives there. Furthermore, she decreased shipping rates to the rest of the world by roughly $10.

about beardbangs

At first, Alica anticipated losing a few dollars per order. She then realized that her customers were ordering more than one product in one purchase. In fact, the profit margin remained stable, and in some cases, she even earned more. “I get the whole psychological thing,” Alicia explains. 

You can analyze Alica’s Etsy store by using EtsyHunt Shop Analyzer. Type “Beardbangs” to the search bar and you will explore her store.

analyze Etsy shop - etsyhunt

You can examine Total Sales, reviews, favorites and so on here. In addition, you can visit Alica’s store on Etsy or discover her products with icons on the left side.

Motivating Shoppers to Spend

Next up is an Etsy seller who is selling for a smaller amount. Based in Israel, artist Lee Narkis followed his passion for mixed materials and founded his eponymous Etsy shop in 2017. Since opening her shop, she has sold more than 200 orders of stylish earrings and necklaces.

Lee began to listen to his customers to increase his sales. She started offering free shipping to customers who purchase three or more items upon receiving questions about how to get free shipping on Etsy. 

“At first, I offered it for two items, but it wasn’t really profitable,” she says. By increasing the threshold to qualify for free shipping, she hoped to motivate buyers to order more. What she didn’t expect was such a huge impact on her conversion rate.

about LeeNarkis

Her conversion rate has tripled after the change. Lee’s shop received the same amount of traffic as the year prior but had a 300 percent increase in sales. She’s confident that the appeal of free shipping is converting more browsers into buyers.  

If you want to discover similar products or wondering what top Etsy Shops sell, EtsyHunt Product Research Tool is for you. Bear in mind that, you can analyze products by entering product title, tags, ID, URL or Etsy Shop URL. In this example, we will type “Necklace” to the search bar and analyze the result.

discover similar products - etsyhunt

Product Research Tool enables Etsy sellers to filter results by various features. Here we will shortlist the products by:

  • Keyword: Necklace
  • Total Sales > 300
  • Reviews > 200
  • Favorites > 500
  • Product Type: Handmade
  • Best Sellers label

For more Etsy Sellers that use free shipping in their shop, visit Etsy seller handbook.

How to Get Free Shipping On Etsy

Practically 8 in 10 buyers declare that free shipping would make them shop online more, according to research conducted by Walker Sands.

What does that mean for your shop? Proposing free shipping makes your store more competitive. Moreover, It gives consumers an added stimulus to pırchase from you and spend more when they do. Thus, you should find ways to explore how to get free shipping on Etsy as a seller.

How to Get Free Shipping On Etsy

You can change your postage prices to 0.00 in order for buyers anywhere in the world who seek solutions for how to get free shipping on Etsy. The most straightforward way to make free delivery work for your shop is to price your items to include the postage cost in the item list price. How you determine and set your prices is your decision. 

What's more, you can prefer to offer a free delivery guarantee to US shoppers. But how?

How to Set Up Free Shipping Guarantee on Etsy?

Here we come across a different term: "free shipping guarantee". So what does it mean? As of July 30, 2019, Etsy announced that a free shipping guarantee lets shoppers in the US know that they won’t pay additional shipping costs on orders counting $35 or over. 

To set up a free shipping guarantee in your Etsy store:

  • On, go to the Shop Manager icon.
  • Tab Settings.
  • Click Shipping settings.
  • Click Get started in the Free shipping guarantee tab.
set up a free shipping guarantee-1
  • Click Next.
set up a free shipping guarantee-2
  • Click Set free shipping now.
set up a free shipping guarantee-3

After you set up a free shipping guarantee you can reprice items in your Etsy store to recover shipping costs. You learned how to set up a free shipping guarantee for your Etsy store. So how should this affect the price of the items? 

For instance, you are selling a handmade mini wallet and you have set a price of 40 USD for your item. As a result of your conversation with the shipping companies, you decided that the shipping cost would be fixed at 10 USD. 

In this case, since your product is over 35 USD and offers a free shipping guarantee, your customer will not pay shipping fees when they place an order. If you do not increase the product list price to 50 USD (40+10), you will reduce your profit margin. Analyze the table below:

Current Pricing Pricing with Free Shipping
Item list price 40 USD 50 USD
Postage price 10 USD 0 (Free)
Total price for the buyer 50 USD 50 USD

If you are confused with the math, the tool you can use is Etsy free shipping calculator.

Etsy Free Shipping Calculator

Etsy free shipping calculator, in other words, Smart pricing tool, is a tool that helps you set product prices to cover postage costs when you set up a free delivery guarantee. It is optional to use. 

Here is the detailed guide for Etsy Sellers who plan to adjust their item prices with Etsy free shipping calculator.

  • Set up a free shipping guarantee for your shop by following our steps above.
  • Click Edit item prices.
edit item prices on etsy-1
  • Select if you want to edit your item prices for items $35 USD and over to recover postage costs. 
edit item prices on etsy-2
  • Tab Next.
  • You can recover postage costs on orders including items under $35 USD that are delivered for free. Here are two options: You can choose the amount calculated by Etsy’s data analysts to help recover postage costs over time or to keep your current prices.
edit item prices on etsy-3
  • Click Review & edit.
  • Under each item image, you can see the new list price you have chosen. You can also see the previous list price and postage price. 
  • If you want to edit individual item prices, click the price under that item and enter the new price you want to charge.
  • If you want to adjust multiple item prices at one time, click Edit item prices if you want to edit the new list prices of your items. 
edit item prices on etsy-4
  •  When you’re satisfied with the new prices you’ve set, click Publish

How to Offer Free Shipping to Buyers Outside the US?

Although the majority of Etsy customers shop in the US, it is quite normal to want to attract the attention of customers from other countries. Because the question of how to get free shipping on Etsy comes from worldwide. 

If you want to offer free shipping to shoppers outside of the US, or you want to offer free shipping for all orders from your shop, you can use Etsy free shipping profiles.

FAQs for Etsy Free Shipping

1. What is the advantage of offering a free shipping guarantee?

You will acquire FREE SHIPPING badge for the related item list. Moreover, your items will be prioritized in US search to help US buyers to explore more products that are delivered for free within the US.

2. Why I can not use Etsy free shipping calculator?

You won’t have access to the smart pricing tool if:

  • Your shop is outside the US
  • You already offer free delivery on your products above 35 USD 
  • You haven’t set up a free delivery guarantee

3. Is offering free shipping on Etsy worth it?

If you offer free shipping, your consumers will never be astonished at checkout and they're more likely to finalise the transaction when they notice FREE shipping.

4. Do free delivery items with a minimum order quantity get priority placement in search?

A free delivery sale with a minimum order quantity won’t get priority placement in US search. You must offer unconditional free delivery to US buyers to get priority in search.

Last Words

In this article, we sought to answer the question How To Get Free Shipping On Etsy from the perspective of both sellers and buyers. We described the ways to offer free shipping for your Etsy store, as customers' view of free shipping is largely positive.

As a result, the question of Does Free Shipping Increase Sales On Etsy has been answered according to the experiences of Etsy sellers and Etsy statistics. That's why we recommend you try the free shipping method.

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